Children are failing at fitness, but WaterART Instructor Kidz Fitness program will help children enjoy the many benefits of water exercise. We recommend that the program be utilized for children aged 6-12: (however, this program may certainly be used for younger children – just keep the ages within a 2 year span.)This system will fast track the instructor to learn a complete children’s program of fun filled movement. The program will detail over 200 exercises for shallow and/or deep water exercises. We will focus on education and learning how to use the muscles. Each lesson plan utilizes 20 exercises including 5 warm up exercises, 5 individual skills and drills, 5 group and/or partner activities, and finishes up with 5 warm down and relaxation exercises. To keep the programs interesting and creative, equipment such as balls, noodles and buoyancy belts (for non swimmers or small children) are incorporated for agility, balance and coordination. Turn your pool into a playground of opportunity using a simple yet creative approach.
Certification Registration Certification includes:
8 hrs training (theory & practical pool time),
Kidz Instructor Manual,
DVD024-Kidz Fitness DVD,
laminated 10 lesson plan system,
10 laminated program cards,
Study Guide questions & answers,
Certificate of Course completion:
Certification Exam Process & six months to complete without penalty fee,
Certification Diploma, laminated wallet card and online profile with successful completion of the exam process